Sad Little Men

Believers in Brexit and Boris Johnson would be advised to stay away from this book. 

The reason? Because it’s the author’s contention that Johnson, and before him David Cameron, are emotionally stunted men forever marked by their boarding school education, by an education intended to forge the rulers of the British Empire, not engage with the realities of a global world in the 21st century. And with Britain’s lowly place in that new world order.

I’m aware that I’ve just reduced a 271-page book’s argument to two sentences. So I should point out that there’s a lot more to it than that blunt accusation. Richard Beard – also an ex-boarding school boy goes into great detail about the toll of being wrenched from your family at eight, and the emotional damage that follows in the next 10 years. I found it absolutely convincing – mainly because I went to boarding school too and had shivers of recognition on almost every page – although I would have preferred more memoir and less argument.

But the argument is reason for writing this. (There are plenty more boarding school memoirs for those who want details.) Richard Beard’s point seems to be that while the world has moved on, Britain's current leaders – and by extension the people who voted for them – haven’t. Britain has gone backwards, longing for a world that no longer exists and thinking they can rule it when they find it. Again, I’m simplifying what I think is a convincing argument. So I’ll stop here and leave the rest to those who'd like to read for themselves.

But I will repeat: if you like the current prime minister and think Brexit’s a good thing, don’t buy this book.



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