The Warehouse

Imagine a world where there’s pretty much only one shop where you live, but it delivers everything you want, does it fast and does it by drone. Now imagine that if you’re looking for work, the shop in your area is the only place where you’re going to find it.

Imagine then that if you’re lucky and the shop takes you on, you’ll never have to leave the building where you work because all your other needs will be taken care of by your employer: healthcare, food, accommodation. In return, you give yourself over to the shop and whatever job you’ve been assigned. (There’s no choice involved; you take the job you’re given after a psychological test during intake and that’s it.) And then you work. Hard.

You work with every step within the building tracked by a watch you’re compelled to wear at all times outside your room. Not wearing your watch is grounds for dismissal, or reassignment to a task outside the building in a world being baked by global warming.

What a nightmare! Could never happen, right? Well, read The Warerhouse and – stealing from Stephen King’s review - watch what happens when Big Brother meets Big Business.

Genuinely creepy.


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