Great Britain's Great War

A friend of mine used to make documentaries for television. Part of the process included much research into academic histories: books full of footnotes, quotes from those involved, facts and figures galore. He didn’t mind; he rather liked it. And while I can see that it’s a vital part of his process, it would have sent me looking for the nearest high window to throw myself through.

I prefer Jeremy Paxman’s approach. More narrative than detailed explanation, it reads – almost – like a novel. In fact, this is my third reading; it’s so well-written that the pages slip by. But note the title. This is a book about Great Britain’s war: how it became involved, how its men fought, why they fought, how its society was affected during and after the conflict. It is NOT an all-encompassing history of the war told from all sides.

Sidestepping exhaustive detail, what it offers is a picture of, and a feeling for – a sense – of a way of life about to be changed forever. I particularly liked his examination of the era’s concept of ‘duty’ and his refusal to view the war with hindsight, with today’s focus on individualism. He brings the past to life. And makes it very, very readable.


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